Ribbon-cutting ceremony (left to right): O2&B CEO Seung Hyun Bahn, KICT Senior Research Fellow Hyun Je Oh, Rasa Ria Resort Resident Manager Alex Phuah, DID Assistant Director Mohd Affendy, and SEDIA Chief Investment Officer Kevin Ukang

Kota Kinabalu — The Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) today witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) and Shangri-La Rasa Ria Resort (Rasa Ria Resort), as well as the commissioning of a pilot water treatment system on the premises of Rasa Ria Resort. This follows several site investigations and a discussion between the parties, as facilitated by SEDIA and the State Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID).

SEDIA was represented during the ceremony by Chief Investment Officer Kevin Ukang, Chief Corporate Communication Officer Sheila Radin as well as several officers.

The K-SMART E³ system was commissioned at Rasa Ria Resort to ascertain the efficiency and performance of the water treatment system developed by KICT, which utilises several modern techniques including Membrane Capacitive Deionization (MCDI).

KICT is the sole government-funded research institute in construction technology for the Republic of Korea (Korea). Drawing on unrivalled R&D capacities that was accumulated over upwards of 40 years, KICT is an institution dedicated to social roles and responsibilities as a body for research.

KICT had been developing water treatment technology for application in ASEAN countries, with various water and power sources. Their research on this topic focuses on low-energy, high-efficiency water treatment technology, and the technology had already been verified at a lab scale. The institute had then been identifying suitable locations to increase the scale of their testing, and it was during a trade and investment mission by Sabah agencies to Korea that KICT first established relations with SEDIA. This then led to DID being introduced to lend their expertise in identifying a suitable location in the state for testing KICT’s water treatment system at a field scale. Rasa Ria Resort, one of the leading resorts operating in Sabah, had thus been identified as a suitable test site, as the resort’s operations had been looking into self-sufficiency regarding their water supply.

“SEDIA sebagai Pemudahcara Kerjasama Membawa kepada Pentauliahan Sistem Rawatan Air Perintis”

Kota Kinabalu — Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Pelaburan Sabah (SEDIA) pagi ini menyaksikan Majlis Menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman antara Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) dan Shangri-La Rasa Ria Resort (Rasa Ria Resort), serta pentauliahan sistem rawatan air perintis yang terletak di Rasa Ria Resort. Majlis ini berikutan beberapa penyiasatan tapak dan perbincangan antara kedua-dua pihak yang telah dimudahcara oleh SEDIA dan Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Sabah (JPS).

Semasa majlis ini berlangsung pihak SEDIA diwakili oleh Ketua Pegawai Pelaburan Kevin Ukang, Ketua Pegawai Komunikasi Korporat Sheila Radin serta beberapa pegawai.

Pentauliahan Sistem K-SMART E³ di Rasa Ria Resort adalah bertujuan memastikan kecekapan dan prestasi sistem rawatan air yang dibangunkan oleh KICT, dengan menggunakan beberapa teknik moden termasuk Membrane Capacitive Deionization (MCDI).

KICT ialah satu-satunya institut penyelidikan dalam teknologi pembinaan yang dibiayai kerajaan di Republik Korea (Korea). Berdasarkan kapasiti R&D kompetitif yang terkumpul selama lebih 40 tahun, KICT merupakan sebuah institusi yang berdedikasi terhadap peranan dan tanggungjawab sosial sebagai badan penyelidikan.

KICT telah membangunkan teknologi rawatan air untuk kegunaan di negara-negara ASEAN, untuk penggunaan bersama pelbagai kombinasi sumber air dan kuasa. Penyelidikan mereka dalam bidang ini memfokuskan pada teknologi rawatan air bertenaga rendah dengan kecekapan tinggi, dimana teknologi itu telah pun disahkan pada skala makmal. Institut itu kemudiannya mula usaha mengenal pasti lokasi yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan skala ujian mereka, di mana perbincangan dengan SEDIA bermula pada tahun 2023 melalui misi perdagangan dan pelaburan oleh agensi-agensi Sabah ke Korea. Kemudiannya pihak SEDIA memperhubungkan JPS dengan KICT untuk meminjamkan kepakaran JPS dalam mengenal pasti lokasi yang sesuai di Sabah untuk menguji sistem rawatan air KICT pada skala lapangan. Rasa Ria Resort yang merupakan salah satu pusat peranginan terkemuka yang beroperasi di Sabah telah dikenal pasti sebagai tapak ujian yang sesuai.