Frequently Asked Questions

The SEDIA Investment Promotion Unit provides support for investors seeking to locate in Sabah and, once located, for ongoing operations. Please reach out to SEDIA at invest@sedia.com.my or see our How SEDIA IP Unit Can Help page for more details.

The SEDIA Investment Promotion Unit publishes investment updates on a quarterly basis as well as updates of upcoming events, including seminars, workshops, and presentations to raise awareness of new government policies, for the industry and business community in Sabah.

For more information please reach out to SEDIA at invest@sedia.com.my.

The SEDIA Investment Promotion Unit connects investors with the right resources to support your operations in Sabah. Our directory of service providers includes company secretaries, accountants, lawyers, real estate agents, and human resource companies. Please reach out toSEDIA at invest@sedia.com.my. for further assistance.

Please reach out to SEDIA at invest@sedia.com.my for specific questions on doing business in Sabah.

Our Resources page provides a step-by-step guide on setting up a company in Sabah. For any questions or further assistance, please reach out to SEDIA at invest@sedia.com.my.

Depending on the type of funding required, the SEDIA Investment Promotion Unit will help connect investors to the relevant agencies. For any questions or further assistance, please reach out to SEDIA at invest@sedia.com.my.

In addition to the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) incentives offered to investors in Malaysia, Sabah also offers custom incentives for certain projects and businesses in designated investment areas.

Please visit our Resources page for more information on SEDIA’s incentives. For any questions or further assistance, please reach out to SEDIA at invest@sedia.com.my.